Diagnostics of temperature fields of dumps with spontaneous fire enables to determine basic temperature and thermal characteristics of these fields. It is based on the measured temperature values on the dump surface as well as in boreholes. The diagnostics objective is to reduce considerably the number and size of small diameter bores and to achieve a maximum accuracy when giving qualified estimations of parameters of temperature and heat fields. The obtained data serve as a necessary basis for projects of maintenance or disposal of dumps with spontaneous fire. In the present paper a basic and the simplest case of the dump stationary temperature field is solved which assumes that the distribution of heat sources in the spontaneous fire centre is spherically symmetrical and the density of these sources can be described by Gauss function. The temperature profile on the major vertical axis running through the centre point of spontaneous fire centre was calculated accurately. An approximate relation was derived for the calculation of temperatures past this axis. It is a case of the Poisson equation solution by means of the volume potential. The solution of the dump stationary temperature field will enable to obtain qualified assessments of basic parameters of this field in the first approximation. These estimations will be utilized when solving considerably more complicated cases of non-stationary temperature fields of dumps.
In the article geomorphological and geological conditions of the flysch zone are described briefly. Relations between the characteristics of the topography and the basement are defined. The geomorphological development of the area, the morphometric characterization and typical features (slopes), the geological characterization of the area, climatic conditions, especially with regard to the influence of rainfall on the initiation and reactivation of slope movements are presented here. Further, hydrological and hydrogeological conditions of the Carpathian Flysch with emphasis put on specific hydrogeological conditions forming an environment suitable for gravitational slope deformation, the brief engineering geological characterization of the Carpathian Flysch region, factors conditioning the occurrence of slope failures in the Outer Carpathian Flysch are described. A digital slope model was created and a map of the gradients of slopes in the Outer Carpathian Flysch was made by means of the Surfer program. The map will be used in the next phases of selecting type slope models and also in the next study of the dependence of a slope gradient change on the degree of stability.
In the article an account of precision of determination of bearing of orientation basic line segment depending on mean square error of angle measurement at connecting and orietation measurement by means of two vertical shafts is presented. After basic information about principles of connecting measurement and calculation of connecting and orientation measurement by means of two vertical underground workings and after explanation of symbols applied a theoretical calculation is discussed concerning precision of determination of bearing of orientation basic line at the mine level to be connected which is a part of inserted polygon traverse with consideration of the precision limited only to angle observations. The unavoidable errors of observation on surface are not taken into account by this article. The mean error of bearing is calculated as mean square error of measured errors according to law of accumulation of errors.
The paper is oriented on modelling, construction and testing of new magnetic defectoscope based on three channel sensing. The corrosion and breakage channels are added by the magnetic youke for microdefect inspection. The basic aim of this sensing unit is the specification of defects (cracks, etc.) with axial geometry less than 500 micrometers. These imperfections generate the ambient magnetic field with gradients which are practically nondetectable by now used magnetic sensing circuits.
The phase modulated spectroscopic ellipsometry (PMSE) as the excellent experimental technique for the specification of optical and geometrical parameters of thin films and multilayer dielectric coatings has been applied for the inspection of one-dimensional deep gratings. The experiments have been realized at the incidence angles from 48 to 75 degrees (depending on the kind of measurement) for the zero reflected order in the spectral region from 270 to 700 nanometers. The lamellar gratings have been realized by etching method on the common SiO2 substrate. The main attention has been concentrated to the experimental study of the influence of the groove breadth, mutual position of incidence plane and grating geometry, and incidence angles on ellipsometric angle dispersion of diffracted light.
In this paper a survey of literature dealing with emissions of heavy metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons during coal combustion is given. The paper is focused not only at big industrial furnaces, but also at problems of small scale furnaces. There is a lot of studies dealing with industrial coal combustion. On the contrary studies dealing with small scale furnaces are substantially less frequent, although considerable effects of emissions of such furnaces not only on the life environment, but also on health condition of population in their vicinity has been evidenced.
In the submitted article the authors express their view on some present trends in the assessment of environments of the origin and the structure of coal-bearing formations in the Upper Silesian Basin. Attention is paid to a relation between traditional and modern sedimentological models of the origin of sediments and coal seams, opinions on the cyclic structure of coal-bearing formations and on the issues of coal seam identification and correlation. The authors are also concerned with the importance of present-day coal micropetrography to the study of paleogeographic conditions in the environment of fossil mosses as well as to the recognition of chemical-technological properties of coal matter.
This paper is a continuation of systematic stratigraphical research of Lower Cretaceous sequence of the Manín Unit excavated in the Butkov quarry. Calcareous deposits are significant especially by richness of ammonites. Attention is focused on the parts enabling the definition of ammonite zones. The following ammonite zones were determined: the Campylotoxus Zone (Early Valanginian), the Furcillata Zone (Late Valanginian), the Balearis Zone (Late Hauterivian) and boundary between the Pulchella Zone and the Compresissima Zone (Early Barremian). Non-calcareous and calcareous dinoflagellates, calpionellids and calcareous nannoplankton were analysed in the same places to provide a correlation of their ranges with ammonite zones.
In the present article the project No 105/03/1417 of Grant Agency of the Czech Republic is described. Aim of project is creation of an interactive program system for application of modern methods of evaluation of coal deposits and their parts, which is suitable equally for complicated geological conditions. This detailed system will enable to make the most accurate appreciation of deposit data for future utilisation of coal based on in the past performed financially demanding prospecting and mining work. In the proposed project possibilities of the newest software and hardware for needs of system functions in spheres of statistical data processing, geostatistical structural analysis, interpolation methods, graphic plotting of maps, spatial 3-D visualization of modelled coal seams etc. will be applied. A part of project, therefore, will be adaptation of the system to the most important coal deposits of Czech Republic.
Samples of soils and of a single river sediment with high content of mercury were leached by the si-multaneous extraction method by means of a number extraction agents, such as potassium nitrate, potassium hydrogenfluoride, sodium diphosphate, EDTA, nitrate acid. The contents various forms of mercury – the exchangeable, the adsorbed, the organic, the carbonate and the sulphide one – were lower than 0.05 µg/g. The contents of residual mercury were for the two specimens of soils 84.40 per cent resp. 98.00 per cent and for the specimen of river sediment 99.70 per cent. Furthermore, the simultaneous extraction method was applied for soil samples and for a single sample of river sediment - both being enriched by addition of mercury nitrate (80 µg/g). The content of the exchangeable form of mercury in soil sample P1 was lower then 0.05 µg/g in sample P2 – 0.059 µg/g and its content in sediment 0.16 µg/g. The highest contents of mer-cury were extracted in the carbonate and organic forms of mercury (7.16 – 69.60 µg/g). The contents of re-sidual mercury bound in matrix were for the soil samples 16.86 per cent resp. 4.80 per cent and for the sample of river sediment 51.90 per cent. The simultaneous extraction method is a suitable approach to distinction of particular forms of mercury in contaminated soils or river sediment.
This article describes a way of creating safety behaviours and attitudes of mine workers in a work place. It shows organizational procedures increasing a level of worker’s safety culture and their active participation in a system of occupational safety management.
Magnesite deposit Jelšava-Dúbrava Massif is located in the Carboniferous formations of so called “Magnesite Carboniferous Belt” in the Late Paleozoic units of Gemericum. It is one of the two deposits which are explored in the Eastern Slovakia. The is located in the lower part of the Upper Carboniferous complex. According to the lithostratigraphic division of Gemericum Early Paleozoic complexes (Bajaník et al., 1983), Carboniferous magnesites belongs to the Dobšiná Group. They occur in the succession consisting of black schists containing intercalations of metabasalts and their pyroclastics, which comprises the upper part of Ochtiná Formation. The lower part of the formation is composed of pebbly conglomerate and sandstone. The explored magnesites and dolomites originated as bioherms and muddy limestones and as organodetritic limestones building the peribioherm aprons during the deposition. This carbonatic complex was metasomatically replaced. The age of the formation is according to the trilobites and brachiopods assigned to the Namurian B-C (Bouček and Přibil, 1960) and according to the conodonts to the Upper Visean -Namurian A (Kozur et al., 1976). Deposit body is segmented into three individual parts. Maximum thickness attains, the magnesite body in the surroundings of Miková (200). In the paper we describes tectonic deformations of the deposit body. Our results suggest Alpine horst and normal-slip fault tectonic structure.
The Rožňava ore field is located NW and NE of Rožňava town. This area is created in zone 12 km long and 4 km wide. Rožňava ore field is characterized as hydrotermal vein structure deposits and occurrences of siderite formation. Strieborná vein deposit is situated in this ore field. Strieborná (Silver-bearing) vein structure got its name because of its high contens of silver. Older siderite with quartz and younger quartz – sulphidic mineral association are creating the ore filling in the whole known lenght of the Strieborná vein. The most dominant mineral from the group of sulphide minerals is tetrahedrite. Ag, Sb, Bi and Hg contents are tied to this mineral. Chalcopyrite in the vein filling occurs macroscopically only sporadically. The ore filing of the vein is also supplemented with pyrite. Microscopically there has been proved the occurrence of arsenopyrite, antimonite, ullmanite, gersdorffite, bournonite and jamesonite. From the non-ore minerals chlorite, albite, illite, kaolinite and sericitte are present (Jeleň in Mesarčík, 1994). Lately, during the evaluation of litological environment of vein deposit in this area some uncertainties appeared. These uncertainties are connected mainly with the explanation of the deposit genesis and with the regional metallogenetic consideration. In the paper we presents results of mineralogy studies and fluid inclusion.
In the article you can find the research of distribution of explosion gases. The construction of bush in a blast-hole changing the direction of movement of gases was described here. The most effective ways of increasing the efficiency of explosive works was underlined in that work.
The paper deals with creation of simulation models for safeguarding of underground working sites with supplies of material so that material would be always available and useless stoppages resulting into economic losses would not happen as well. The realised simulation models then can serve both for projection and optimisation of transport logistics in underground coal mine, and also as a means for obtaining information enabling a management personnel for making high – qualified decisions concerning routine control of material flow.
Abandoned underground coal mines represent a source of ecological and safety risks. Reduction or elimination of such risks is possible by means of backfilling of underground areas with backfilling mixture made of processed industrial waste materials. The basic prerequisite of practical application of research results achieved in this area is economic effectiveness of activities based on them. The paper deals with economy of processing of industrial waste for this purpose as well as of depositing of five (5) types of such backfilling mixtures in abandoned underground mine workings. The conditions at which such backfilling activities can bring acceptable economic results are defined.
The present contribution deals with description of possibilities of models for solving problems connected with gas leakage from old abandoned mine workings and with application of such models. Its aim is to demonstrate how these models can help when designing a degassing system, when placing gas drainage boreholes, when establishing gas drainage regimes, control of drainage and prediction of occurrence of dangerous situations. Furthermore, the contribution deals with potential practical applications of the models and with proposals of procedures for control of leakage of dangerous gases. In this contribution, we will try to define the steps, which must be completed so that it would be possible to develop a functional credible model, or eventually an effective degassing system. To facilitate a simpler application of the models a procedure is described of how to apply in the best way the models presented here.
The article deals with the single steps which must be realized for utilization of the virtual reality means in monitoring and control of technological process of an underground mine and also in another activities connected with mining. It solves the conception of the data base for presentation of technological scene, the way of possible interconnection with the real process and integration of simulation models.
In Ostrava region there are extensive undermined territories with rock massif which as very disturbed and faulted by former mining activities of hard coal underground mine. Such territories are due to safety reasons provided with degassing boreholes. Actual conditions of the degassing boreholes are continuously monitored and gained data are saved. A statistic analysis of such data is described and trends in behaviour of degassing boreholes are discussed in the article. There are explained both the statistic correlations between monitored physical magnitudes and dynamics of variations.
In every moment technological processes produce a huge quantity of the heterogeneous data. The possibility of collecting, stocking and effective utilization of them is except other limited by conventional procedures of data-analysis. The new generation of intelligent instruments based on artificial intelligence, genetic algorithm, statistical methods, data warehousing technology and next ones make possible better results. The most important is also data visualization.
The article describes one of the outputs of the project VaV/640/1/01: Initiation of natural ecosystems of the landscape undermined for the process of the Karviná region renewal, and namely utilization of information technologies for collecting, processing and subsequent utilization of information in renewal of the landscape affected by the underground mining. The output then is the presentation of the proposals of the landscape renewal in the environment of virtual reality.
In this article the problems of the visualization procedures and virtual reality in management of the coal quarry are described. The procedures proposed are one of the results of the project solution CEZ: J17/98: 273500007: The problems of the raw materials and mining activity from the view of the 21st century. In the introduction the problems of information technologies and visualization are discussed. Further, the article describes the creation of virtual model of technology and interconnection of the scene with the information following from the process. It describes the procedure of the model creation the result of which is the created virtual scene corresponding to the real environment. The result is the quarry presentation including the information displaying with the utilization of the virtual reality means.
This article deals with the proposal, operation and control of transport in engineering networks with the utilization of modern means of computer technique. The basis of this contribution is the fact that we have for disposal our own good program GRAFSIT (Kolomazník) which we can utilize both for the proposal of engineering networks branches and for parameters of sources and with the utilization of further program possibilities we can, to a certain extent, optimize the operation in these networks, and namely networks of all types, i.e. electrical distribution, water main or gas distributions systems, systems of waste canalization etc. The importance of these problems follows mainly from the existing situation when the man’s life in towns but also in the countryside depends on operation of several engineering networks. In such a case the optimization of the operation but also the location of the networks in the terrain is very important for many reasons. The contribution is motivated by the program GRAFSIT which was worked out in Technical University in the framework of research works in cooperation of the workers of the Institute of Economics and Management Systems and Department of mathematics and descriptive geometry.
The knowledge of land-ownership relations is necessary to the phase of permitting mining activity, removing impacts of mining activity, generally then to the majority of human activities performed on land. The contribution deals with the use of GIS for the pragmatic analysis of databases of cadastral offices.
Using new computer methods in these areas will enable automation and rationalization of mineral deposit extraction. This will have a positive influence at the effectivity of mineral deposit extraction. Using GIS methods in Geology in recent years increased considerably mainly because of improving hardware equipment, but also because of creating pressure of competition on the quality of outputs. Another reasons are increasing personnel qualification and accessibility of vector and raster basic data. Unfortunately analytical possibilities are often not used sufficiently and work is concentrated at the area of creation of graphical geological phenomena’s and their presentation in paper-form. The proposed geographic information system of geological data is based on the treatment of all avalable text-numerical and graphic data from the Bankov-Košice magnesite deposit. It utilizes digital surface and mine-geological maps together with a database of deposits and is created in the ArcView environment which presently belongs among professional GIS systems providing users with a range of tools for processing and analysing input data.
In the paper an account of the contemporary ways of drinking water disinfection and of formation of disinfection by-products is presented. Various types of disinfection by-products with respect to applied water treatment technologies and connected to health risk are discussed. Many of these by-products are toxic and some of them are considered as carcinogenic and mutagenic for human organism. Elimination and regular monitoring of their content are necessary. Therefore technologies of removal of disinfection by-products and of their precursors are presented by the paper as well. The account is complemented equally by basic information about analytical methods applied.
Compatibility of predicted parameters of ground surface deformations (subsidences) after underground mining with measurement results depends in a fundamential extent on values of theoretical parameters applied for prediction of such parameters. By the presented work some possibilities of employing PC for purposes of identification of such parameters based on surveying measurements are presented.